I know everyone loves this!!! If you have trouble logging in email me and I will send you your log in info.
when you log on to mobymax.com click on the sign in (top right corner), sign in as a student our school code is OK1826 leave the school name blank. Eastward students will yuse their first name space last name then their log on number to get in. You may choose a variety of things to do so have fun trying each activity!!
Remember when you log on it is your first name and last name no spaces then your number. Choose activities in your grade level also don’t forget to do play live for some fun!!
Students can practice concepts for Language Arts and Math from your home computers! You may need to download the latest version of JAVA for this program to work.
Students may go to the SoftSeven website at the top of the page select click here to start contest. The students must type in their screen name, the school code will be Eastward, select level of difficulty and click on Mathrace Multiplication. Also, you can download the SoftSeven App on Google play or at the App Store search MathRace (one word) the cost is $.99.